Saturday, September 12, 2009

Clean power V dirty coal: some facts

• One billion people are hungry. Temperature rises of 2 to 3 oC will mean an extra 200 million people could face hunger.

• If we carry on pumping greenhouse gases (like CO2) into the atmosphere, there’s a 50% chance the global temperatures will rise by 5 oC or more in the coming decades.

• One coal power station pumps out the same amount of CO2 in a year as 30 developing countries combined.

• The UK is the windiest country in Europe. We could power ourselves several times over using renewable energy.

• If we covered just 3% of the Sahara desert with solar panels we could generate all the electricity the world needs.

• Kenya has the highest number of solar panels, per person, in the world.

• The Philippines already generates 27% of its electricity from geothermal energy.
Source- Action Aid

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