Monday, February 2, 2015

Participatory Market System Development (PMSD) Training

Practical Action Consulting (PAC) is organizing international training on participatory market system development (PMSD) from 16-19 March 2015.
To download registration and for further information

PMSD is based on three basic principles: participation, systemic thinking/planning and facilitation and has been developed and improved over the last decade by Practical Action's markets practitioners in Latin America, Africa and South Asia. The technical training assisted microenterprise development practitioners, from agencies as varied as CARE, World Vision International and fhi360, to gain a greater understanding of Practical Action’s approach to inclusive market development.  The training focused on how to design and facilitate preliminary and participatory market mapping workshops, how to engage key public and private market actors and how to help them move from plans to actions that can make their market system work better for poverty reduction at scale.

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